How long am I supposed to brew my tea?

The secret to a great tea starts with fresh water. You should always use fresh water, as the oxygen in the water helps release the natural flavors of the tea. Go ahead and set fresh water to boil. Once the water has boiled, pour the hot water over the tea leaves or bag. Let the herbs steep for 15-20 minutes to experience the full benefits of the infusion.

Do any products contain artificial or natural flavors?

No - it is 100% plants in our tea. We do not add artificial or natural flavors to our products. We prefer to balance an herbal blend's taste using other complementary herbs or their essential oils as it is important to experience the true taste of the herbs for best results.

Do your products contain Genetically Modified Components (GMOs)?

Abso-freaking-lutely not - we strongly stand against genetically modified food and are proud to state that 100% of our products are GMO free.

Are your tea bags bleached?

No - our teabags are 100% natural, free of bleach and other toxic ingredients.

Can I use your teas every day?

Most of our teas are formulated for daily enjoyment! There are a few of our teas, we suggest that you take a break every few weeks and then reintroduce the herbs.

Can children use your teas?

While our products are made 100% of plants, they are formulated for adult bodies and we recommend consulting with the child's healthcare practitioner before consumption.

Are your teas safe for pregnant or breastfeeding moms?

Not all herbs are right for everyone and pregnancy and nursing require a little extra vigilance. If you’re pregnant or nursing, we recommend that you check in with your healthcare practitioner before using any of our teas.

I am interested in becoming a retailer of your products; how do I buy your teas at wholesale?

This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. We’d love to set up a partnership with you! To further inquire about wholesale orders, please Contact Us.