Sprouting organic herb


It starts with the soil. The nutrients a plant feeds on while it grows has a vast effect on its characteristics, and most importantly on its nutricional value and benefits. Plants grown in rich soil and under the conditions best suited for their species develop the right balance of chemical compounds. At GAIA we aim to source plants that flourish in their most ideal environments. We seek out certified organic plants or plants grown in the wild, and partner only with suppliers that have sustainable growing practices.


Each botanical has its own quality standards to ensure optimal therapeutic effects. In addition to our herbs needing to be organic and ethically sourced, we put a high importance that they are top quality often medicinal grade.

This commitment to quality is one of the things that sets us apart from other tea brands.


The wisdom of Traditional Herbal Medicine has been used to heal humans for centuries. At GAIA we aim to revive and continue these ancient practices. The GAIA tea blends are carefully crafted following various Traditional Herbal Medicine standards of compatibility and combination theory. When creating a new GAIA tea blend we take into serious considerations the formulas being used by the systems of Traditional Herbal Medicine. There is a hierarchy rationale and general principles for herbal formulation. At GAIA we follow the Traditional European Herbal Medicine, which uses the following approach
Basic Remedy - 1 to 5 herbs that address the condition
Supporting Herbs - herbs that compliment the basic remedy or act as corrientes
Taste Herbs - herbs that enhance the flavor